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Imagine Bham

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To get started click "sign-in" at the top of the page, you may create your own login or use the following that we have provided for you. Account name: password: plan123 Next click the “view the map” button above to give input on the PROPOSED Future Land Use Map. The Future Land Use Map is a long-range tool intended to guide future zoning decisions and capital investment decisions. The Future Land Use Map is not a zoning map. Whereas zoning maps are parcel specific and establish detailed requirements for setbacks, height, use, parking and other characteristics, the land use categories on the Future Land Use Map recommend a range of potentially appropriate land uses and intensities. The Future Land Use Map uses color-coded categories to express public policy on future land uses across the City. The land use designations have been drawn based on parcel lines, existing and desired development patterns, streets, environmental features and other logical boundaries. In some cases, the recommended future land use is the same as the existing land use. However, in certain locations throughout the City, the Future Land Use Map contains areas where existing uses are proposed for a change in land use, or for redevelopment. In either case, it is not the intent of this plan to place existing uses in a situation where their value or the quality of life of residents is adversely affected. Rather, the intent is to demonstrate to potential purchasers or developers the City’s long-range view of how particular properties should be reconfigured and used should it become feasible to do so. To learn more about the Northside Southside Framework Plan, and to view information on the Future Land Use Map and Categories visit the link below!

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